Shell Chemical Tiger A04 EPC Lunchroom & Warehouse Buildings


This project consisted of the construction of two 100 x 200 Ft. pre-engineered metal buildings. The first building, was designed for use as a temporary lunch facility, capable of accommodating 1,400 workers. This lunchroom included four HVAC units, a sprinkler system, fire alarm, numerous outlets and conduits for televisions to be hung from the ceiling. The second building, was a warehouse was constructed for temporary storage of critical parts for the expansion which included six overhead roll-up doors for access. Louvers were provided for cross ventilation since it was not an air conditioned or occupied space.


  • This was Cajun’s first EPC contract which enabled Cajun to control the design and provide the client with a high quality, low-cost product.
  • Resources from multiple competencies within Cajun were utilized.
  • The project team structure was modified at the request of the owner. This transition enabled the project to be completed on time and garnered high praise from the Shell team.


  • 8 month duration
  • 21,005 man-hours
  • 9 peak manpower
  • 0.00 TRIR

Work Performed

  • Design and construction of two buildings, including architectural, structural, electrical and mechanical design.
  • Undercutting of the existing site
  • Slab on grade work
  • Pre-engineered metal building erection
  • Interior lighting and circuitry
  • Mechanical unit and duct work installation
  • Overhead door installation and miscellaneous personnel door installation